Mitsue-Links Self-Declares World's First Compliance with ISO10002 "Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations (issued on July 1, 2004)"
In a world first, Mitsue-Links Co., Ltd. (Nakano-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Masashi Takahashi; hereinafter "Mitsue-Links") self-declared on August 8, 2004, compliance of its complaint processing activities with ISO10002 "Quality management -- Customer satisfaction -- Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations".
As such, consumer protection from an international perspective has become necessary, and led by the Consumer Policy Committee (COPOLCO), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has been working to develop a set of standards related to consumer protection. Developed based on proposals by COPOLCO, ISO10002 is the core consumer protection standard and sets out standards for management systems that concern complaint processing.
Mitsue-Links has long recognized the importance of customer satisfaction, and believes that the protection of customers' rights is a social responsibility of business. Since 2001, the Company has therefore operated, with the support of Tokyo Marine Risk Consulting Co., Ltd., management systems for complaint processing that comply with JIS Z9920, which sets out the JIS standards for complaint processing, as the mainstay of its customer-relation activities. Mitsue-Links is determined to improve its performance further, by taking full advantage of its accumulated know-how to comply with the international standard ISO10002, which sets out more detailed requirements.
In line with the assumptions laid out for ISO10002, the Company chose not to adopt third-party verification for ISO10002. Instead, it will make a self-declaration of compliance with the standard based on internal audits and management reviews, to properly recognize and fulfill its important social responsibilities.
About Mitsue-Links' Complaints Handling Management Systems
About Mitsue-Links
Mitsue-Links is one of Japan's top information integrators, providing unique services centered on digital content and boasting countless achievements in support of IT business since the company's founding in 1990, which some say was the dawn of the IT field. Based on your company's own corporate strategy, we offer comprehensive service for all enterprise requirements including consulting, marketing, analysis, planning, layout/structuring, design, production, large-scale application development, planning/development of client communications, and site operation/maintenance. Mitsue-Links provides these services based on our unique and creative methodology, thereby enabling project management, project risk management, and usability management that organically integrate all our services and maintain their consistency.
Mitsue-Links is also one of the top companies both at home and abroad in terms of compliance to international and Japanese standards for process management. We have obtained ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO14001 (Environmental Management), BS7799 (Information Security in the U.K.), and ISMS (Information Security Management System) certification. We also comply with JIS Z 9920/ISO 10002 (Complaints Handling Standard), ECS2000 (Ethics Compliance Standard), and ISO13407 (Human-Centered Design) among other standards.
Details about our company can be viewed at the following website.
Mitsue-Links Website:
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Taro Nonaka
Public Relations
Mitsue-Links Co.,Ltd.
3-39-13, Kamitakada, Nakano-ku,
Tokyo, 164-0002 JAPAN
Tel:+81 3 3228 4545
Fax:+81 3 3319 9369