Mitsue-Links Releases Keyword Survey Service
Mitsue-Links Co., Ltd. (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Masashi Takahashi; hereinafter "Mitsue-Links") has released Keyword Survey Service which uses Keyword Portfolio to optimize ROI for SEO/listing advertising and to help visualize the basis of a company site's branding. Having an accurate understanding of keywords is essential for improving the competitiveness of your site in the market and for enhancing user affinity with your site. This service confirms the validity of existing keywords, identifies direction keywords, and finds related keywords, and then sorts out the keywords that are the best suited for SEO/listing advertising.
Targeted Customer of This Service
- Customers who have doubts about the cost-effectiveness of listings because of high unit cost.
- Customers who have implemented SEO measures, but who are not getting the results they had expected.
- Customers who want to optimize their cost distribution across SEO and listing advertising.
Keyword Analysis
- Survey of keywords on sites
Extraction and analysis of existing keywords on the target webpage.
- Survey of direction keywords
Extraction of longtail keywords from access logs, survey of number of keyword searches and results rankings.
- Survey of related keywords
Keywords that are used widely in the market/industry and that are related to keywords on sites are identified and selected according to the number of searches, and the target page's search results ranking based on those keywords is then surveyed.
- Keyword analysis/Portfolio creation
The KEI (effectiveness index) and KCI (competitiveness index) are calculated for all keywords from above, a Keyword Portfolio is created, and keywords are classified according to the most suitable measures.
Details of the Keyword Survey Service
About Mitsue-Links
Mitsue-Links is one of Japan's top information integrators, providing unique services centered on digital content and boasting countless achievements in support of IT business since the company's founding in 1990, which some say was the dawn of the IT field. Based on your company's own corporate strategy, we offer comprehensive service for all enterprise requirements including consulting, marketing, analysis, planning, layout/structuring, design, production, large-scale application development, planning/development of client communications, and site operation/maintenance. Mitsue-Links provides these services based on our unique and creative methodology, thereby enabling project management, project risk management, and usability management that organically integrate all our services and maintain their consistency.
Mitsue-Links is also one of the top companies both at home and abroad in terms of compliance to international and Japanese standards for process management. We have obtained ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), ISO14001 (Environmental Management), BS7799 (Information Security in the U.K.), ISMS (Information Security Management System), Privacy Mark System and CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Level2 certification. We also comply with ISO10002 (Complaints Handling Standard), ECS2000 (Ethics Compliance Standard), ISO13407 (Human-Centered Design) and OHSAS18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Standard) among other standards.
Details about our company can be viewed at the following website.
Mitsue-Links Website:
Proper names found on the website, including corporate names and product names, are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners.
Taro Nonaka
Public Relations
Mitsue-Links Co.,Ltd.
Shinjuku Square Tower 15F
6-22-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, 163-1115 JAPAN
Tel:+81 3 3344 7470
Fax:+81 3 3344 7402