Smartphone Support
Service Overview
Smartphones based on iOS and Android have spread rapidly. As the momentum continues, there are increasing efforts in business spheres, both the BtoC (business to consumer) and BtoB (business to business) markets, to capitalize on this trend.
Smartphones with their high functionality and performance make it possible to view websites designed specifically for PCs, however, browsing PC-oriented sites on smartphones is not ideal as the information structure and visual display are not correctly optimized.
Viewing sites designed specifically for mobile phones on smartphones is one possible solution to structure issues. However, even though the information architecture is based on mobile use scenes, smartphone browsers may not able to display pages as intended.
Based on the above, this service aims to develop smartphone optimized sites that ensure the optimum user experience and deliver client business objectives.
To build dedicated smartphone sites for iOS, Android and other mobile OS. Taking into consideration factors specific to smartphone interfaces, such as smaller screen sizes, touch operation as well as use scenes, we design sites with an intuitive information structure and appealing visual layout.
Service Details
In addition to the development of new sites specific for smartphones, we support present PC and mobile-oriented sites for display on smartphones using the following techniques.
If Operating a PC Site ...
For Style Sheets
We use a present PC site’s HTML source and adapt the style sheet to enable smartphone support. This notion of “one-source, multi-use” ensures access through the same HTML document regardless of the different devices used.
When adapting style sheets of already existing PC sites, caution is necessary. The reason is that while it is possible to minimize the modifications to an existing HTML document, it may be difficult to optimize the information structure and visual display for smartphones.
Style sheet-only support is most effective when either constructing a new site or when developing a smartphone site at the same time as renewing an existing site.
HTML Document and Style Sheet Support
When assuming mobile use scenes, it is necessary to adopt an information structure that is different from PC-oriented sites. Therefore, we adapt HTML documents and style sheets so that they are specialized for smartphones.
However, unlike style sheet-only support, this service requires the preparation of several HTML documents for each single piece of content. Therefore, from a management perspective, it is better to use either a CMS or template update content.
If Operating a Mobile Site ...
Basically, if you want to support a mobile site on a smartphone then similar processes to those described above are followed.
If the mobile site is designed for a specific carrier, such as NTT docomo, au, or Softbank, then we consider the specific functionalities and information structure required to build the best possible smartphone site.
Service Flow
There is not a large variation in the process when comparing the above with PC site development.
In order to ensure the best possible user experience, it is very important to continuously verify the developing functionality of the site. Based on this, we do not only implement verification once completed but perform routine inspections from the visual design stage onward.
For more information on our services, timeframes and estimates, as well as examples of our work, please feel free to be in touch.