Application UI Design
Mitsue-Links' Application UI Design service utilizes our knowledge of UX design techniques to provide superior user-interface design. Our principal method of designing from user perspectives ensures the provision of intuitive interfaces with high functionality.

Service Overview
To ensure target user goal satisfaction, our UX Design Specialists establish the layout and design of an application's UI based on an assessment of user needs, the use environment, and a consideration of human characteristics.
- Target Persons
The service is targeted at application and web service owners, as well as system and application developers.
- Target Platforms
Web Applications, Tablets and Smartphones (iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows 8 etc.)
- Solutions Provided
- Development of applications with user-friendly interfaces
- Application UI design
- Enhancement and improvement of existing application UI
Additionally, we can respond flexibly to the various challenges of UI design in order to provide clients with optimum solutions.
- Service Coverage
We provide a consistently high level of service from the initial definition of requirements, through UI planning and UI design to actual implementation. Additionally, if you require the provision of services in a particular area, we offer isolated project support. Furthermore, we provide an improvement and enhancement service for existing post-development applications. If you would like to talk about our services in more detail, please feel free to contact us.
Advantages of Applications with High Usability
- Improved user satisfaction
- Improved usability results in reduced support / training costs
- Reduction of the risk that applications are seldom used / spurned by users
Service Features
User-oriented Design Process
Our service, based on the concept of human-centered design (HCD), adopts a user focused approach to design. We ascertain what users want, we then consider how to best respond to their needs and then deliver optimum solutions through UI design.
![Investigation / Analysis [Interview, Ethnographic Study, Competition Investigation, Persona and Scenario Development, Task Analysis] Concept Determination [Storyboard, UX Journey Map] Planning / Design [Sketching, Wireframe Setup, Visual Design, Prototype Development] Evaluation / Improvement [Usability Testing, Heuristic Analysis, Performance Analysis] Implementation](/english/service/ux/img/application_uidesign-img-2.png)
Our Contributions to UX
We are a company that contributes actively to the field of user experience design. We aim to enlighten both organizations and individuals to the importance of UX through the publishing of texts (UXデザイン入門 [English translation: An Introduction to UX Design]) and articles, provision of seminars and presentations, as well as the diffusion of other pertinent UX information.
Furthermore, we have been a member of the UXalliance , an international organization for UX specialists, since 2007.

Our Portfolio
We have a strong track record of designing web applications (including RIA) and tablet applications etc. for a variety of platforms. The projects have been for prestigious corporations and bodies operational in a diverse range of industries. The following is a selection of our work.
Tablet Application: iPad Stock Trading Application UI Design
After establishing a design concept of “an application that allows one carefully consider their investments and scrutinize markets while relaxing in their living room”, we devised and selected the optimum usage scenarios for mornings and evenings.
We then developed an arrangement which centered on visual design and the UI.

Web Application: Satellite Observation Data UI Improvement Project
This project was undertaken to improve the UI of a system that provides satellite data through online search.
The target beneficiaries were professional researchers, at both universities and corporations, as there was demand for a system that could meet the particular the needs of the user in relation to knowledge and level of detail. Therefore, we created a prototype to conduct usability testing and promote expert review. Based on the feedback from participant evaluations, we significantly improved the UI of the system.

For more information on our services, timeframes and estimates, as well as examples of our work, please feel free to be in touch.