iOS App Development
Apple has produced its own guidelines and judgment criterion to ensure that apps of high-quality are uploaded to the App Store.
The guidelines are comprehensive - covering everything from the underlying concept, device limitations, effective design, as well as operability considerations such as the placement and size of buttons.
Our service provides total support for the development of iOS apps in accordance with the guidelines, registration in the App Store, upgrades, website linking etc. Furthermore, we also offer support for business-oriented corporate in-house applications such as for sales support etc.

Service Overview
We offer total support from iOS application design, through development to App Store registration.
Making full use of our technological capabilities and expertise in areas such as usability, accessibility, and analytics etc., we develop high-quality applications that are in line with Apple's human interface guidelines.
Service Details
Planning, Defining of Requirements
After learning client requests and objectives, we develop plans and draft proposals to ensure the development of the optimum iOS application.
Design Consultation
We ensure that the information design, screen layout and other technical specifications are in conformance with Apple`s Human Interface Guidelines.
Implementation, Verification
We develop applications based on the specifications decided during the design consultation phase, such as information layout, screen layout etc. We can add a Google Analytics tag to verify the effectiveness of the application after release.
Store Registration
We will make a request to register the completed application in the App Store. If the situation arises where the application is not accepted, we will correspond to resolve any issues. Our support is provided through to the release of the app.
Application Operation
After the launch, we can provide further support by responding to changes in the platform's specifications that mandate a modification of the application, as well as the upgrading or addition of functions.
In addition, by request, we can provide support with regard to the embedded Google Analytics tag by executing in-depth analyses on the application's performance.
Service Flow
Planning, Definition of Requirements
Development, Verification
App Store Registration
For more information on our services, timeframes and estimates, as well as examples of our work, please feel free to be in touch.